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Q&I Eva montanari


Questions & Illustrations
with Eva Montanari

In our “Question & Illustration” newsletter inspired by the Proust Questionnaire, each month we ask one of our artists to answer three questions about their personality using only illustrations. If you are interested in receiving our Q&I newsletter click here.

Published in 13 languages, Eva Montanari’s tender, playful and true-to-life stories of Little Crocodile speak to toddlers in an extraordinary and universal way. To quote Emily Schneider of Imaginary Elevators: "there’s a fine line between drawing like a child and drawing in a way which children will identify as familiar. Montanari’s balance between the two is perfect.” 

Eva seems to have struck the same balance in her answers to our illustrated questionnaire, which features an irresistible koala, the new character in her latest book project.

What is your greatest fear?

What is your greatest regret?

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?