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Become an Architect with Tadao Ando

Tadao Ando: C’est Toi l’Architecte
by Gaia Stella

Have you ever noticed how the light comes through the window of your room? And how it changes throughout the day? Is it possible to see the sky from inside a building? Can the wind enter a house?

These are some of the questions Gaia Stella raises in C’est toi l’architecte, dedicated to the great architect Tadao Ando, whose work is inspired and informed by his travels, his passion for nature, and his interest in light. In the pages, young readers discover some basic elements of architecture through Ando's most significant works. By observing the geometric shapes of the buildings, readers are invited to "become little architects" by re-constructing the works with the stickers of different sizes and geometric shapes included in the book.

Are you ready for the challenge? Open the book and and let’s begin!

Published by hélium in collaboration with Bourse de Commerce Collection Pinault.

World: hélium éditions, January 2020
For foreign rights inquiries, please contact helium éditions.